PlaySchool (4-6 years old)

Now that the child is independent and has better coordination, concentration and sense of order, he is ready to embark on the next journey of the three-year development cycle within the Montessori philosophy.

In his preparation for life, our Nimble Muslim preschooler / kindergartener will move freely and independently throughout the carefully prepared montessori environment for him to maximise his learning in five keys areas :

  • Practical Life (Amali)

  • Sensorial Education (Hawwas)

  • Language (Al-Lughat)

  • Mathematics (Ilm Al- Hisab)

  • Culture (Al-Thaqafah)

And so will his multi-aged friends!


Mixed-age groups in Montessori education contribute to the moral and spiritual development of the child as students are taught to respect others, to be sensitive to their different needs, and to collaborate in a helpful spirit of ukhuwah.

The child will contently ‘teach’ himself, while the adult in the environment takes on the supporting role of loving mursyid (guide) who merely facilitates. In this montessori atmosphere of faith and respect for the life force in each child, the teacher presents work that is worthy of the child’s attention. The montessori classroom environment honors the children’s innate dignity, active interest and their overwhelming drive to develop and grow.

There are three session that operate from Monday to Friday every week to suit students and parents daily schedule.

Three Session Program

Nimble Dawn 8AM - 12 NOON
Nimble Rise 8AM - 3PM
Nimblebee Dusk 8AM - 6.30PM